Read, study, and listen to the Holy Bible in multiple different languages at the same time!
Version 3 is our most advanced version yet! Weve added 22 new languages including audio support for 13 languages making this the ultimate tool for studying the Word in multiple languages. We currently have textual support for in the following languages:
- Arabic
- Afrikaans (NT audio)
- Bulgarian
- Danish
- German (NT audio)
- Greek (NT audio)
- English (NT audio)
- Spanish (NT audio)
- Farsi (NT audio)
- French (NT audio)
- Croatian
- Indonesian
- Icelandic
- Japanese
- Norwegian
- Dutch
- Polish (NT audio)
- Portuguese (NT audio)
- Romanian (NT audio)
- Russian (NT audio)
- Albanian
- Swedish
- Swahili (NT audio)
- Thai
- Turkish
- Czech
- Vietnamese (NT audio)
Switching between content and languages couldnt be easier, thanks to our all-new design. Highlight and record notes on the verse level, and set unlimited bookmarks for keeping track of favorite locations. Weve streamlined the app to be bug free and a joy to use!
Application Copyright:
Missionary Solutions LLC